
Photo Friday: Texture

Blizzard 2005
Originally uploaded by gfiorillo.
Trying to get back into a habit of posting, of taking pictures and all that so here's my Photo Friday entry for Texture. This picture was the ice on the windows during the Blizzard of 2005 when we were stuck at the in-laws for 5 days. Very cool ice glows!

The Snow is Coming...

I really like winter, in case no-one knows that. I love snow, and have been very disappointed with the lack of it this winter white.

I also just ordered a new phone. But it tried to deliver 3 times at home, and we werent' there so I rescheduled it to go to my office. Which it did but is expected to get there tommorow.

But now, the winter white is expected to come down so I'm going to work from home. So I'll miss my phone. But be able to stay warm in my house and get lots of work done while the weather is my favorite type. And maybe I'll even get some more pictures - it's been a while.

update: yes I'm home, the weather is totally pretty but not preventative from me getting to work, so I could have gotten my phone today and worked from home tomorrow...but alas, I'm here so I might as well work from the sofa!