
Random Thoughts on a Friday...

I was going to talk today about the wonderful Neil Diamond concert last night - thank you smelmooo, but I have a bunch of thoughts floating through my head. And since I have to do some writing for work, I figured it's a good time for a download of the brain.

Speaking of Neil Diamond - how a 65 year old man still has a waist that tiny is beyond me. Go Neil. Oh, and I found out all his spangly shirts are custom made (I don't know why that suprises me).

I love my man. But going to concerts always make me wish he played an instrument. Boy do trumpet players make me swoon. And guitar players too. But then again, I did swear off dating musicians after a few encounters. They are crazy!

We had leftover sandwiches in the office, so as I was taking the tray out to grab a quick lunch, it fell over, knocked into my "big a**, bad** mug". This mug held at least 14 oz of water (a bit heavy when full) and it was my first mug I made for myself in ceramics. Although not perfect, I loved it cause I only had to fill it once or twice a day. Now I'm sad - it's the first piece I ever made that broke after I used it, as opposed to during firing, which I had gotten used to. :(

On Air America the other day they listed the books Prez GWB was reading on his 5 week vacation (boy, wish I could have a 5 week vacation). Anyway, one of them is Salt: A World History by Mark Kurlansky. Now I consider myself pretty smart and can read intellectual books, but as interesting as Salt is I've managed to only read half of it when I lose interest and put it down. So I will be very depressed it GWB actually finished it - it will blow my mind and I believe it will also be a sign of th apocolypse.

The other day I watched a women drive into a intersection, the light turned yellow/red as she was in the middle and she STOPPED and BACKED UP. What the F***. Please people, learn to drive or you will be killed by the mob of people that think you are an IDIOT.

Oh, and since everyone I know was so worried, my little niece - no longer allergic to dairy. Yea! I can start getting her addicted to Mint Chip ice cream like me! And when she spends summers at Camp Crazy Aunt Gina's we can make ice cream, and I can teach her all sorts of yummy recipies involving cream, butter and cheese. Yummmm.

Ok, time to go write some fundraising letters....lets see if I can get my creativity flowing....

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