
All About Me - ABC

One of these days, I will actually write something with a bit of thought, but today I'm lacking some inspiration, so I'm "stealing" a meme from one of my favorite writers (and inspiring person) to get the fingers typing this evening. So, in case you want to know more about me, read on.

Accent: I guess Jersey. I was on the phone with the co chair of my board and said "draw" (the way us jersey girls pronounce drawer) and he caught me. He laughed and said "it was great". I don't know what that means, but it made me smile.

Booze: Red wine, sometimes white. Gin & Tonic's. Beers; lager, stout, ale's. Cosmopolitans made by the bartenders at Stage Left. Tried some Amarula, a cream liquor that was yummy yummy. But my tolerence has dropped dramatically since I don't do it that often. Does that make me old?

Chore I hate: Two words - Cat Litter. On the flip side, I enjoy washing dishes but hate putting them away.

Dogs/cats: Love my kitty cats. Even now when Moesie is shedding enough hair to make a whole 'nother cat and I have to sweep on a daily basis, I wouldn't trade her for the world. And even though max broke another container today, and was being pushy while I was typing, he always make me laugh.

Essential electronics: My powerbook and my ipod. I guess my cell phone too, now that telephone is primary means of communication with J. And I can't live without my kitchenaid mixer, withoug it I couldn't make cookies, and cakes and blend all sorts of stuff and now I have a meat grinder attachment and can make my own sausage.

Favorite perfume: Not a big perfume wearer, but I like the body shop's Pink Pepper. I don't really know other perfume's off the top of my head but I used to wear Rapture by Victoria's Secret that was a favorite of an ex. he said "it broke his heart" when I wore it.

Gold/silver: Silver mostly. I love jewlery of all kinds, and it doesn't need to be expensive, just funky and pretty. Some women are addicted to shoes, I'm addicted to earrings.

Hometown: good 'ol jersey.

Insomnia: Sometimes. Mostly in the summer, when my heat induced "the world's going to hell and we're all going to die" panic attacks start.

Job title: Technically - Director of Development. If it actually described all the hats I wore, about 3 times as long.

Kids: None, maybe someday but that will all be down the line. Now I enjoy playing "Crazy aunt G" to the three little ones.

Living arrangements: A lovely 1940's apartment with stained glass windows, a backyard and plenty of room for our stuff, but not close to anything that I wish I was closer too. Technically J lives there too, but since he is on tour it's been me and the fuzzy ones.

Most admired trait: Who knows what people admire in me - maybe my cooking. In college I was told that I always smile and I'm a happy, friendly person. What I admire in others, drive and determination. I also really respcet people who can be independent.

Number of sexual partner: Ummmm, none of your beezwax.

Overnight hospital stays: None - knock on wood.

Phobia: I don't really have any phobias. Other than my nervous panicky thing that occasionally happens when I'm nervous about random nothingness.

Quote: You have to laugh at yourself. You'd cry your eyes out if you didn't - Indigo Girls

Religion: recovering catholic.

Siblings: I got a big sister who is very cool and very crazy at the same time..

Time I usually wake up: Around 6. I'm much more of a morning person that J. I like being up early, but on the weekends I love to take naps as well.

Unusual talent: I learned in college I could do the lipstick trick (You know the one from the Breakfast Club that Ally Sheedy does).

Vegetable I refuse to eat: Brussel sprouts. And I've never tried them, but I had a roomatee who ate them all the time with a slice of american cheese on them and it made me not want to try them.

Worst habit: Procrastinator and avoider.

X-rays: I have scoliosis and had my back exrayed twice a year till I was 17. I'll never forget the exray technician. "Ok, don't breathe" click "Breathe"

Yummy foods I make: Everything. But seriously, I kick ass when it comes to meatballs, guinness cake, beef stew, chicken with artichokes and my spice rubbed roast chicken.

Zodiac sign: Saggitarius, but with many more Capricorn traits.

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