
Food Tour of NJ

This weekend, J and I celebrated our first year of wedded bliss in our favorite places. Lunch at Tumulty's Pub dinner at Stage Left, breakfast in bed and then a trip down for ice cream at the Bent Spoon. If I didn't think I would explode, we would have figured out hto get Makeda into it, but I don't think I could eat that much in one weekend. And of course, to top it all off, we did a drive through at Griggstown for a few pot pies and chickens.

Cause Nothing says I love you like ice cream and pot pie!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mmm ... I recall quite a few fab post-show times sitting in those booths at Tumulty's, at the bar at Stage Left, and Makeda (oh, yeah and eating there too ...). Fun to be reminded; thanks Ginagina. :)