According to the calendar, I am just over halfway through my pregnancy. I no longer look like I've just been spending time at the donut table, but actually look pregnant. I can feel Baby Brady kicking, and moving and doing all sorts of ballet. And I am having moments of sheer an utter panic that then morph into an odd calmness and excitment. And then back to panic.
So my days go on, and life goes on. I go to work, and while the dreaded "pregnancy brain" is making me occasionally spacey, I've been pretty good at keeping on top of things. Although I have reached the point of feeling a little overwhelmed with all that needs to be done in preperation for maternity leave. Especially because I'm learning there are some things that come second nature to me, that no-one else in the office can do. I don't mean that in a snobby way, it's just there are some things that I've learned over the years, on the technical side, that others haven't had to do.
Looking at what the next few months (and years) will bring, I'm happy. And determined. Determined to to enjoy it, to find things that are wonderful, joyous and blissful. And to celebrate the ups, downs and inbetweens.
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