
Welcome Molly!

Just about 19 days ago, hubby and I welcomed our little girl into the world. In some ways, the (almost) three weeks have gone by super fast, and in others, super slow. But in all ways they've been super good.

J is a fabulous father already. Tender with her and taking care of me. We'll see how long it will last - the taking care of me part at least. I think our little girl will become first in his eyes in the near future. If I can only get him to stop brainwashing her on the whole dog thing.

As for me, I'm feeling good. Tired, and the whole "sleep when your baby sleep" doesn't really work in practice as well, at least when her sleep patterns during the day are erratic. But I get the occasional nap here and there, and can get through the night pretty well.

Motherhood. It's going to be one heck of a ride.

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