
It's friday, but more importatantly, it's August. When did that happen. What ever happened to living for wonderful summers, where you go to Great Adventure, and daytrip to the beach, and never, ever have to wear anything other than cargo shorts and a tank top. In essence - getting your summers off. I think that the world has it backwards. As a child you get summers off. But as an adult, your reward for years and years of learning is to work year round. That sucks.

So I'm willing to compromise, cause after all, work needs to be done. Taking off for 3 months could be detrimental to some companies so how about summer hours. I figured it out - Fridays off in the summer. By summer I mean June, July and August. Let's say you did all three months - that's an extra 12 days of vacation for your staff. That may seem like alot, but think of how happy and productive they would be. And think about energy costs you will save by being able to keep the office closed. And most of your staff takes summer vacations anyway so on average I would say its really only 10 days. And 10 days could really make the difference between a happy contented staff or one that is constantly trying to sneak out early and catch some rays.

I worked a job that shortened each day by 1 hour in the July - August (till 5:00 instead of 6:00) and gave us half days on Friday's for about 8 weeks. That rocked and I have to tell you, if my current job offered that plan - I might never leave.

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