
Yummy things I ate in Kentucky

A few weeks ago (was it really only weeks, it feels like ages) I was visiting Louisville KY, so I could see my "on the road" man for some R&R. It was a great trip, despite the cold and overcast weather. A little bit of shopping, a little bit of sightseeing, and of lot of eating. I really like trying new things when I am travelling, and although Kentucky is not as exotic as lets say my trips to Italy, I still had many things that I had for the first time.

Fried Pickles - goes to prove my theory, batter and fry it and it's delicous.
Fresh Beets - first time, I finally ate beets that were not from a can. Pretty good, may have to eat more.
Goat Cheese with Tomato Sauce and Pita Chips - don't know why I never thought of that combination before - ooooooh, was that yummy.
Biscuts and Gravy - really, never had it before. Not bad, but not my favorite new taste.
Amarula - a lovely cream liquor that I must keep in the house.

I can find a bottle of Amarula, and goat cheese/tomato sauce - I can do that pretty easy too. Beets, especially now that it's summer, will become easy to get. So although the tastes were all new, I'll be able to incorporate them into my repetoire. Except the fried pickles. Those will have to wait for more trips south. Which makes me like them even more.

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