
Random Thoughts on Good Friday

Driving to work realizing that half the world is not working today, today being one of the major Christian holidays, got me thinking about random stuff. A few rants that popped through my head.

Tom Delay - has anybody reminded him lately of the separation of Church and State! All I want is someone to tell me how religion can be legislated, cause isn't that part of what got us all here in the first place? Beliefs are just that - beliefs and I wish everyone would get God out of politics.

Easter and Diets - I have to make something for Easter, and traditionally I like to do zeppole, but everyone except Jack's on a diet so I can't decide if I want to enable my parents or give up on tradition.

My office - I'm on a rearranging kick again. Time to clear the brain and get a fresh outlook on my job, therefore time to move furniture. I wonder if anyone would mind if I re-hung the door so it opens the RIGHT way.

Morning e-news - many good articles in grist today, but I Coulda Had a V-12 really got my panties in a bunch. OOOOOOOOOhhhhhhhhh what will it take for people to realize that bigger is not always better! And don't even get me started on consumerism and the american culture. I'm cranky enough as it is.

Morning e-new again - This at least balenced my steaming from the previous thought. Go Canada?

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