

Thanksgiving is over, the weekend of eating, sleeping, eating, wishing, eating and festiviting (is that a word? who cares) is over. I always fell a little bad for Thanksgiving. By Friday its Christmas, Christmas, Christmas and poor little thanksgiving is getting pushed out of the minds and hearts even before you can say grazie. So while Cyber Monday (whaaa - when did that come into the lexicon) gets everyone on the gift parade, I just wanted to give a little thanks for some things:

    My family. All hundred of them.
    A glass of wine at the end of the day.
    That my husband always gives me the last piece of pie.
    That I have cats who make me laugh.
    That my friends love me even when I'm a bad friend.
    My favorite green sweater.
    My earring collection, and the memories they represent.
    That I like the people I work with and still find joy in my job.
    Flannel sheets.
    Campfire Chili.
    My family. Even when they are crazy.

All in all, I'm feeling pretty thankful lately and wanted share.

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