
Weekend Update...

Since that seemed to be the theme on all my friends blogs, I thought I would add one as well.

I love long weekends, mine was especially long cause I took friday off as well. While I spend that day getting the house back in order after our garage sale, it was nice not to be in the office!

Saturday involved some errands but mostly just spending some time with my guy. Oh, and I baked a massive amount of "lemon ginger cupcakes with lavender icing", another in my quest to try one new recipe a week. They came out very, very yummy! We also went to see Star Wars: Episode III and had dinner at my favorite Thai place with some good friends. My review of the movie - ok. It was entertaining, and kept you interested, but then again I'm not obsessed like some people I know. I'll save my obsessions for other movies.

Sunday was a bbq at the folks, with the family and the second family (Pipchick/Hermans) Kudos to my dad for another great feast! And my "Goat Cheese Toasts with walnuts, rosemary & honey" were a hit too, along with the aforementioned cupcakes. My guy played "Crazy Uncle Jack" all day, and I got to see Carter awake and making faces - check out the new pictures on my website. And the most suprising part of the day - a drop in by an old high school buddy (Yes, the lone stranger, Gasper) led to political discussion until way late in the night.

And Monday - with the weather holding out still, we decided to have a little outdoor time and headed to Stockton, NJ to check out the Prallsville Mill - one of the places we've been wanting to check out for our wedding. Although they were closed, we did peer in a few windows, wander the property, and spend about two hours walking up the canal.

Overall, a great weekend. Now please, please, please keep your fingers crossed that this friday and saturday are the same cause it's REUNION 2005 and I don't want to spend all weekend working in the rain (like the past 4 reunions).


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