
Random Thoughts....

Another wedding, another 3 day weekend. Despite the heat, it was a pretty good weekend.

1) “The cousins” really are too much fun. Especially when at weddings we all go to the lobby to take “the cousins” photo and realize that is the only time of the night when the bar is empty.

2) As the final cousins weddings loom on the horizon (well, ok so we got more than a year till mine) I get sad thinking that our dancing days are limited. Perhaps we should start having DJ’s at all the christenings with the babies that will be coming in the next few years?

3) I spent an afternoon at the Cranford pool, where growing up I spent hours swimming, diving, playing spoons, spit and shuffleboard and was depressed to know that they have since took out one of the diving boards and you can no longer dive anywhere from the edge – including at the 7 foot end of the pool. How am I supposed to get into the water then – use a ladder, there’s no fun in that. Jeez, what people do in the name of “safety”.

4) On the plus side of the pool, you no longer need bathing caps. And the put up nice umbrellas.

5) As much as I love my niece, it was very nice to spend time with my parents without her. Much calmer and we had a nice dinner at the Cranford Hotel.

6) Another afternoon of watching Stargate. I’m not sure when it happened, but I think I have officially become a Sci-Fi geek. I blame Jack.

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